Understanding ultimate abilities...

Post » Sun Mar 23, 2014 6:29 pm

How exactly are Ultimate abilities handled? I understand that they function differently then normal spells. And that they can only be "charged" while fighting in combat. Yet there were times where I had my summon Storm Atronach charged and ready to go. But later on after not using it for awhile, I notice it lost its charge, especially when I've been saving it for that "boss" at the end of a quest, which got me killed a few times as I was intent on unleashing him from the get-go. And then losing my edge from trying to whip up a new strategy on the fly. What gives?

Also, it says it costs magicka, yet whenever I summoned him, he never cost any magic.

The power stone passive... Does that reduce the "charge" time before being able to use it? I would assume so since again, summoning him never cost me any magic as far as I could tell.

Would greatly value some clarification as I prepare my character for launch. :shocking:

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Grace Francis
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