Resto Loop and Fortify School +Magic Regen enchantments

Post » Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:14 pm

Ran into a bit of a head-scratcher the other day, involving these two enchantments...

For Narienne, gimping magic isn't immersion-breaking, so I wanted to enchant the clothes and armor I want for her with Fortify Destruction plus Magic Regen and Fortify Restoration plus Magic Regen. I did this with previous saves, but eventually discarded those to start her over, so I had to make replacements. No big deal, of course, since the almighty Resto Loop makes that relatively easy for us console gamers. So, I whipped up some Fortify Enchanting potions of some ridiculous magnitude (don't recall how strong precisely, but it was at least four or five digits in length--too impatient these days to spend time tweaking the potions) and went to work.

The results were enchantments of Fortify Destruction/Restoration of something like %649XXXX percent (about that many digits, give or take) and Fortify Magic Regen of only 10%. I figured it was just a case of the percentage getting so high that it looped around and displayed a smaller value than was actually the case.

In a battle against some dragons, I noticed Narienne's magicka was going down. I had thought that percentages like the ones I had created would give her magicka that doesn't deplete, due to the cast cost being zero and her Magic Regen being so high.

My questions are: did I do something wrong, somehow, in the enchanting process, or did I fail to consider something else? No negative values were displayed, either, for what it's worth.

Or do I just need to make a few new potions, perhaps of a lesser magnitude, and start over...?

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Céline Rémy
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