25+ save files?

Post » Mon Mar 24, 2014 4:40 pm

Weird a PC would do that... does the PC go off by the save # itself, or other "strings" like character's name? I had a weird 3 # 148 saves, but the Xbox 360 differentiate it with the characters' name in the save file, thus no screw ups with each thereafter.

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Kelly John
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Post » Mon Mar 24, 2014 12:52 pm

I have a total of 1500 saves, but only two characters at this time. Most of them became corrupted and I could not save them...*grumbles*

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Post » Mon Mar 24, 2014 12:25 pm

The actual PC save files have names like "Save 1 - Llerethis Vvane Skyrim 51.43.59" so it doesn't really matter when the counter resets (which is just as well as periodically mine likes to freak out, claim that all the saves are number 47 thousand and something and in an 'unknown location', then a few minutes later it admits that actually they were number 354 or something but from then on the next save is 1 (which is why I'm level 30 and that above is the name of my last but one save file...)) Also, where it says 'Skyrim' is as in - this is the location I'm at - if I were in Markarth it would be "Save 1 - Llerethis Vvane Markarth 51.43.59" or something.

Oh, and I'm on PC but anyway, I usually shift all but the last three or four saves to a sub-folder (with the character's name as the folder name) after I finish playing because I find the save menu loads more smoothly if it's not trying to load seven hundred titles and screenshots. When I'm done with a character I usually keep about the last four saves just because I'm funny about completely deleting them - even though I pretty much never go back as I can't be bothered with rejigging the mods back to what they were, although if I really liked the character I'll usually export my mod list to a .txt file in the same folder.

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Post » Mon Mar 24, 2014 6:49 pm

I dont save too often.

And even then, I only keep the most recent saves for one character.(excluding autos)

So I'm at about 800 and I still have save #1 to skip the intro.

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Post » Mon Mar 24, 2014 7:10 am

A lot.

I try to keep 2 hard saves per character, and I usually only keep 5 characters at a time while the rest are either deleted or stuffed into a USB stick. I think I have around 970+ now, but I dunno if it's been keeping track right. I don't make hard saves that often, either, so there's that.

I also emptied out my PC Skyrim's save folder after I reinstalled it. 4GB worth of saves. Yeesh, for a platform I rarely use that's actually a lot.

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Post » Mon Mar 24, 2014 9:26 am

Keeping slots well into triple figures is insane, just because it takes a while to find a particular save.

However, it's not how many saves you have, but when you make them. This game is not as bad at over writing slots, as long as you do it ideally before entering a cell, or after the cell has finished loading and spawning. I still won't over write a slot more than 10 or so times out of habit before I quit using it. But you could probably overwrite more times and be fine. Just turn off most or all the Autosave Features, they will just save you into a corner at some point if not slow things down in the game as they are made.

How I save is, one save before starting a faction or main quest major stage. A series of slots as I play along the quest line, two or three that I cycle through as things happen. Then I may make a milestone save at major faction points along the way. This way, if I have to go back and repeat something, it's not too much. I tend to follow one main quest line at time, with the side quests that come along. If you go between factions, this can get unwieldy not being able to name saves.

Then, from time to time, I just cull the list of slots that I don't need anymore like when I have finished the faction. You can't have too many slots, up to a point.

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Post » Mon Mar 24, 2014 3:09 pm

I keep between 15 and 20 saves for each character on the Xbox 360. I have about 60 saves, although I will trim that back to 50 next time I play, one character has more than she needs.

On the PS3 I only have around 12 saves, all for the one character.

On the PC I have lots of saves, two characters only have 3 saves, one has 1 and Braggen hogs all the rest for his multiple attempts at getting everything in Skyrim that he wants. Every now and then I back them up elsewhere and trim them back to 10-20. Eventually the older characters will be removed to give the newer one a chance to get out of Helgen without suddenly jumping to save number 7000 something.

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Dagan Wilkin
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Post » Mon Mar 24, 2014 7:10 pm

I play on PC and I usually have several hundred saves by the time I finish most characters. I think the most I've ever had for one character was just over a thousand. When I finish a character's story I delete all of that character's saves.

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