But i can live with i and havent found any issues with it otherwise.
It may seem trivial to you, but fishing is one of those little details that helps with maintaining the illusion that it really is a 'vibrant, living world' rather than just a cardboard stage setting.
Dont mean to sound like I'm whining or slamming the dev's, thats not my intent. My intent is to offer some ideas about fishing and hopefully see some improvements made to it. lol, fishing is screeming for improvement so figured I would post something about it and hope I get the dev's to bite(pun intended). ^^
To me it just seems a waste of a feature if it isnt usable for something. Fish could be used for alchemy and provisioning at least. I guess i was just really unlucky if others were getting bags with recipes and stuff. Hopefully they will add more to it.
I think as a basic fishing system in an MMO it isn't too bad. We can gather our own bait which is nice, wouldn't mind being able to fish up more useful items (or at least cook my fish).
Maybe in the future they'll give us a full blown expansion to the system, "Bass Master Tamriel". Let us fish up a few sea monsters and the like too
Kidding, but kind of not
To bad the races in Tamriel aren't smart enough to figure out the most important point of fishing is for the sustenance. It's not just to have a fish decaying in your pocket.
I thought fishing was kind of neat. Nothing mind blowing, but entertaining nonetheless. I found myself hunting for fishing holes every time I managed to gather a decent amount of bait. I'll admit I was disappointed that the fish couldn't be used to progress in any craft, and I'm hoping there are rare fish to catch that can sell for a more interesting amount of gold, but I did get a rare achievement fishy and I think I also got a bag of goodies.
I thought the most important point of fishing was so that you could lie about how big the fish you almost caught was.
Vanguard fishing was the ultimate fishing mini-game. I loved it. Although originally i loved SWG's fishing the most, vanguard had the best mini-game made of it with the combo's.
Is there any certain things you do to get that wet gunny sack from fishing? I fished a lot in the beta and never got anything except fish and used bait.
Well, supposedly the more people fishing the same spot, the more likely you are to catch something rare. So, maybe give that a try, although that also seems to make the pool disappear faster.