My name is Liquidus and I approve this message.
paid for by the "Give Liquidus Emperior status" super pak
it's possible to leave a signature but i would think it would be more related to your crafting skill versus your character skill
From forums posts there will be a bunch of people leveling a craft without leveling the character, so even if they are the best Sword-Smith in the land they lose out on this sort of thing. Second, even though it "seems" unique, remember as an MMO your max leveled DK with Ardent Flame is the exact same as the other 100,000 of them.
Im all for some form of personalization, but with such a mass amount of people its difficult other than just having your name on it. Even if it was your chosen color scheme or visual style. Once people began to like that better and bought more of yours, other smiths would just copy it to make money.
I think it will come down to a bit of Roll-Play mixed with Salesmanship. The smith with all the options researched who finds a good spot, has a lot of contacts, fair prices, yells the loudest, ETC. will end up being remembered and then sought out later for more work.
Dude, no matter how much you specialise you will still be just another Smith with "X" skill along with a few thousand others just like you.
Didn't know they were doing this and logged early ! Oh noes...
I loved the crafting in this game and to the OP , I love your idea, that would be really cool
I haven't played the beta.
Can you name weapons and armor you create, like in Skyrim? Or does everything just have generic descriptor names?