Yesterday I started a new character using the Alternate Start mod. I absolutely love it as it adds so much in the way of role playing. However, I've noticed that one of my other favorite mods, Immersive Patrols, seems to have initiated (for lack of a better term). Given I've only played this new character for about 3-4 hours but I've yet to see a patrol from the mod that I was used to seeing on my old character. I have yet to trigger the start of the main quest so I'm curious if perhaps that has something to do with it. I posted this on the Nexus forum (for the mod) and have yet to get a response and I'm hoping that I can find an answer here as this forum is often more helpful.
I'm hoping that it's just a coincidence or that it doesn't start until you trigger it somehow but I've been unable to find any information regarding that.
Do I need to deactivate and re-activate the mod? What gives?