I never told you guys where I got the sword

So I'll just ignore the dialogue that mentions it, and answer your question from the first time. Sorry

IC: Just as Folven had stabbed the creature, the Dunmer from before entered the room and lopped off its head. When the beast fell to the ground, Folven almost followed suite
'It's dead... Thank Azura.'The Argonian had stood up and walked towards the late monstrocity "What in oblivion was that? All I heard it say was something about corruption." Quick Tail, as Folven now knew him, seemed to have healed his ribs "And Folven, where did you get that sword?"
Before Folven could answer him, the other Dunmer spoke up "I haven't the faintest idea of what that thing is. I've met some pretty weird stuff in my years on the battlefields but never something like that. I would say some sort of daedra, but it doesn't match any I know of."
'No, I know daedra. This thing does not follow any Prince.'The Dunmer continued "And it said that we should all be corrupted which means getting killed and turned into some sort of lesser version of it. It what happened to the Canton's residents. I've killed three and they're not fun to fight. Fast as a khajit on skooma and strong as a raging orc."
'He killed three of these, by himself! Seems I've underestimated this one.'He paused, but soon continued his monologue "Now there's still a big question hanging what bought it there. Right now I can see three possibilities : first, they're Ravu's boss, or servants of his boss, come to do the cleanup. Maybe after enough spilled blood and souls to bring them in. Second, they're the corruption he's fearing, showing up now that he's busy. Third, they're Ravu's tool to scare most into buying his purity creed and get rid of those who don't. Whether they went loose or are under control I can't tell. But that's just suppositions, I'm short on pieces to sort the puzzle."
'The young sera does like to talk.' Folven stood, doubled over, his still faintly glowing sword stuck in the body of the creature.
Folven opened his mouth to speak, but was interrupted by the Breton "Its obvious duality with Folven's sword, both in colour and the beast's weakness to it, sure suggests a close bond to the Pure. The sword is like a tool to control them, only now the beast was stunned to find this tool of control on one of his designated targets, I suppose."
"And was Folven's attack related to the appearance of the thing? Did it call for the creature or maybe even transform it's bearer into one them, meaning this creature was another human, who carried such a sword?" Folven's scowl of irritation at having been interrupted turned to a look of pure despair
'Could that sword have caused all this? Could it turn me into... that?'The Breton slumped to the floor in the corner, mumbling something about milk. This time Folven was not interrupted, he was not in the mood to talk anyway. Even though they probably still wanted to know where he got his sword, it might help the current discussion tremendously. Quick Tail once more began to speak "Well, I don't see any Pure guys around, so I don't think that they are on these guys side. But why are they here is my question. Both these factions mysteriously pop up in Vivec at the same time.. why? Is it something they want? Or do they both want us all dead?"
Folven couldn't wait any longer, he held his hand in the air, like a child asking a question "If I may? That sword was forced on me by the Pure leader, Ravu, immediately after he told his cultists to kill all the Ordinators. He never mentioned these things, nor did I see where he got this sword from. And as far as its relation to my cursed blade, all I care is that it kills these things. Since they attacked our Dunmer friend here, I assume it was something more than me. However, I might interject a frightening possibilty. What if these creatures are our Pure cultists? Seeing as how they both show up at the same time, and all the citizens are gone, it seems to me their goals coincide nicely. Although I don't see why their leader would give me a weapon to kill them, unless he wanted me to live for some reason."
OOC: Long post, I just had to catch up. As I said, this is the first Folven even speaks of his sword, so I'd advise we act like this is the first time hearing it. Thanks.