If i drop 2x the same treasure map, can i pick up the loot chest two times?
If i drop 2x the same treasure map, can i pick up the loot chest two times?
Each time you pick a map, you can dig up the treasure for it, regardless of how many previous times you have dug it up in the past. The treasure resets each time you receive the map.
Obviously this means that the treasure was buried there by an obsessive compulsive pirate.
How in the world do you find the treasure? I got a couple of maps but all it is is a static picture of a landscape. Are you supposed to just keep a mental image in your mind while youre questing and see if you come across a landscape that matches it?
I think the question was, if you loot a treasure map, and don't go get it right then, but then during more adventuring find a second copy of said map... but THEN go find the chest, does finding it 'eat' both maps, or just one, and then you get a second chest, or does it bug out the second map, or... how does the game handle you having 2 maps of the same location at the exact same time?
That about sums it up. But being the internet I am sure people will post guides in the future. They had these in Skyrim and most of them you could find without too much trouble if you played the game and paid attention. But if you want the short cut just google it... kind of like trying to find skyshards.
I think another way of asking this question is, are you able to have two of the same treasure maps in your inventory? Are the maps considered unique? If you loot "X-Area Map 3" are you able to loot another "X-Area Map 3" from a different monster, or even see it as a loot item. If you can have multiple copies of the exact same map, then the next question would be, can you dig up the same treasure twice in row or only once?