Not sure if thats a trustworthy web.
Not sure if thats a trustworthy web.
an auction house works in other mmos like wow because they have limited server sizes. a game wide AH for a megaserver like ESO with potentially a few million players will simply not work, it will completely ruin the game. you will have 100s of every item for dirt cheap within a few weeks.
How would this even work? Once you get your item you can't use it till the other person opens their mail and receives their gold? That is going to svck if the person isn't playing that day as you could end up outleveling the gear within a day or two.
People always trying trying to make ESO like any other MMO, instead of enjoying the fresh air of the new.
Stupid Idea to have a 3rd party AH.
and this would hurt me how?
i kinda like buying dirt cheap, but that may just be me
You know that is a good point. I hadn't even thought of that.
Takes me back to how everything would grind to a halt in FFXI when the AH servers went down.
Are you saying that's how it worked in the beta? I didn't get any COD mail, but my assumption is you get the item as soon as you click "accept", or whatever it is, which then transfers the gold from you to the seller, whether they are online, or not.