This is Llerethis, along with her (modded by me) wife, Jenassa (Llerethis is the redhead) She's a half-Orc Dunmer from Bruma whose mother raised her alone and died recently. Llerethis had heard her mother talk of a strong Orsimer in Mor Khazgur, and decided to set forth to Skyrim to meet him, assuming he might be her father. She was also sick of living in Cyrodiil, as she found herself increasingly hating the Empire for their weakness against the Aldmeri Dominion. She had vague notions of joining the Stormcloaks, as she figured she'd rather be an outlander in a free, self-ruling land than live in an Empire.
Things didn't really go the way she expected, and within a few weeks she found herself summoned up a mountain by some elderly Nords, becoming something called a Thane in a city full of thieves, and marrying a woman quite significantly older than herself. She also met her possible-father and beat him in a fistfight, but couldn't bring herself to ask if he remembered her mother. She did pay off the dowry of Borgakh who insisted on repaying her with her steel, and before that befriended a young Nord in Rorikstead who dreamed of adventure. Her mother always laughed about her tendency to bring home waifs and strays, although back then it was more of the animal variety.
Right now, she and Erik are on a mission for Mara, she's not really sure how to feel about this as she's always been mildly religious in a Reclamations sort of way, but all this Dragonborn stuff has sort of thrown everything up in the air. Still, she's also working on tasks for Azura and Mephala, and is planning to seek out the Shrine of Boethiah after she ventures to Serpentstone Island for Galmar Stone-Fist.
(oops, this got a bit long!)