(The Legends) is a New/Social/Lvling guild.We are on the EU servers
We are a Small Social Community/leveling guild for the moment untill we get more high/active/Xp members.
When we have more active members we will begin pvp/pve events full!
We also love to help newbies that just begon to the Guild/Game.We give them a boost in dungeons and some mats for proff to begin with 

Bank will come after we get 50 members when the gamne launched.We also got a site ,events will be added on the sites calander so check it daily then
When we have over 50+ members and those are lvl 20+ we will do some dungeon/pvp events to begin with.
Join us today and who knows we can be Legends tomorrow!
PM me ingame or Sign up on our site with your account/char name pls.
Ingame : Draconixs /Tsukasax
If you register now with your acc/char name you will get invited at the launch.We are still voting on which faction we going to be in.
Site :The Legends on Guild Launch 4 TESo so look for one with guildlauch com after.