Damage Threshold vs. Damage Resistance as the standard?

Post » Sat Mar 29, 2014 9:00 am

Simple question requires simple answer: would you rather see Damage Threshold be the standard in future Fallout games ala New Vegas, or see Damage Resistance return as the norm ala Fallout 3?

Note, I realize many of you might want a mixture of the two and that's perfectly reasonable, but this topic and this poll are more focused on which of the two stats people would like to see being the dominant one AKA the one you can stack up high. Or hell, in DT's case, it's sorta asking if you want to see it return.

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Alba Casas
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Post » Fri Mar 28, 2014 11:50 pm

DT - armour either stops the bullet or it doesn't. Maybe a combination of both for some special armours, as with J E Sawyer's mod on New Vegas.

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Kelli Wolfe
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Post » Fri Mar 28, 2014 8:50 pm

Both it shouldn't be a either or choice, all apparel should have DT and DR.

You shouldn't be ale to kill someone with a tooth pick if you hit them enough and real armours like a bullet proof vest won't completely absorb all the energy so the wearer can still be injured and an armour will slow a bullet down to some extent so there is some gradation in damage received.

It should be both but for the purpose of this thread i'll pick DT it provides a bigger challenge and DR having the same damage resistance whether it's subject to a 9mm round or a mini nuke is asinine.

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Eire Charlotta
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Post » Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:00 am

Honestly, I don't even know the difference between the two.

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rolanda h
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Post » Sat Mar 29, 2014 3:12 am

I really want to see the return of the originals system, it's not like it's TB exclusive. You could even put in AC via VATS, and movement speed adjustments for RT. So I'm all for a NON- generic DT and DR system for each damage type!

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Post » Sat Mar 29, 2014 6:48 am

Say what? :lol:

Damage resistance is just a percentage of damage that your armour will absorb I.e 20 DR armour will block 20 damage if you're hit for 100 damage, 10 if you're hit for 50 etc.

Damage threshold is what an attack will have to surpass to do damage (fonv has 20% bleedthrough damage regardless) so if you have armour that has 20 DT and you're hit for 100 damage you'll take 80 damage but if you're hit for say 15 damage you'll take 0 damage (you'll take 20% bleedthrough though so you'd take 3 damage in fonv).

I'd rather the bleedthroug damage was removed tbh in DT it makes it more complex than need be and kind of goes against the whole premise of DT.

Generally DR will always block the same percentage of damage no matter what you're attacked by but DT is all or nothing (in theory) surpass the threshold or you'll do no damage (again in theory as FONV has 20% bleedthrough).

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Tyler F
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