DC's king:" High King Emeric is a Breton merchant lord whose shrewd policies and masterful diplomacy earned him the trust of the Kings of High Rock"
That just makes me feel like the king is setting a bunch of strict rules, to where if you breathe wrong, you will be in jail or beheaded.
ADs queen: "Queen Ayrenn is intelligent and honorable, with a genuine humility rarely seen among her people but she is also a decisive leader with a stubborn streak"
I have no problem following woman as my queen, but the simple fact that shes on a stubborn streak, shows me that it sounds like we have a spoiled little brat as the queen, and not a noble strong willed woman.
EB's King: (although hes only acting, and not the high king, as there is no high king per say) "Jorunn, of Eastern Skyrim, is acting High King of the Great Moot, but he does not rule absolutely. His decisions must be ratified by all three races in a unique form of governance called The Great Moot."
Ebonheart pact sounds like the only alliance who seems to come together as a whole, instead of following some leader whos a stubborn little girl, or even a king who thinks hes top notch and putting in rules that are just to strict just because he thinks it should be that way.
We ebonhearts come together, not leave decisions to power hungry leaders. Power hungry little girls and men are what causes problems in the first place. & its the very reason why were in this cyrodiil war.
Ebonheart has proven that we can come together, even though we hate eachother. And im sure we could resolve world peace if the AD and DC would join us as well, but that would just ruin the game now wouldnt it lol