Either im missing something, or your not making sense.
Edited: Nope nevermind, it went right over my head. SWOOOOSH
I wish I could but until I test out the abilities I can’t know what my character will look like. Some abilities look better on paper than in play, and others that look like trash turn out good. Like Pokémon I am gonna have to catch them all and test em out myself.
I haven't even sorted out the builds I want to play, let alone come up with anything else!
Sorry OP, I can see that your intentions were good. Hopefully someone will at some point come along and actually answer your question!
That's ok, the point here is to go make some random last minute build to pass the time!
U can doooo itttt.....
You mean, http://esohead.com/calculator/skills#czszyyfXG18fXGb8uzEm8uvZC8fXhs8umHI8Gsbb8uEA48uEAD8rrYR8uEI18umHI8p7JMdBvj6MdBEI6MdBEp6cdBET8T7JLRMA6MrqAi6MrqAI6MrqAD6MrqAZ6crqLw8y7HLR3a6LR3r6LR3f6MfQE16MfQE36MfQlr6MfQlu6MfQlI8E7DzzmW6rzm16LzVS6MuciH6MuciS6Muci46Muchq8l7JzzoC6LzkA6rzky6Lzkt6rzkg6MuvVB6MuvVD6MuvVJ6MuvVO8B7Jzzsq6rzsb8O7zzAZqS8P7szLp4d6zLncy8zz7pctyrG6ztyfm6ctyfV6ctyfR8zf7zzNbo?
Post your last-minute builds! They don't have to be awesome, just think of something, build it quick, and post it.