Prophet Quest Stuck?

Post » Sun Mar 30, 2014 2:16 pm

Hey All,

I am having some trouble with the Quest Prophet.. This is the one where you are supposed to find the Moth Priest which I did and I even got him back to Dawnguard and he read the Elder Scroll well that is where I run into the Problem.

It know says in the quest to Talk to the Moth PRiest but when I walk upto him and press E it does Nothing but it states in the quest to Talk to him which I can NOT..

Another weird thing if I leave the castle Dawnduard and come back in Everybody is attacking him and then he goes into a Stupor and That is it. I can leave and do other quest but Cant complete this one???

I tried a few things but whenever I leave and come back the People in the Castle Dawnguard are attacking the Moth Priest??

I am supposed to talk to him but I am unable too is this a Bug or known bug for this questline or am I doing something wrong??

This is for the PC and I have Dawnguard with NO Mods..

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Wane Peters
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Post » Sun Mar 30, 2014 7:24 pm

Try installing the Unofficial Patches.

This issue was fixed a while back with the Unofficial Dawnguard Patch. It solved the issue in my game when I had this problem. If you prefer not to use mods at all, your only option would be to revert to a save prior to starting the quest "Prophet" and hope it doesn't happen again. There is no other known fix for this issue.

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Amy Melissa
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