SKYRIM - PS3 & ZERO WAIT TIME Between Shouts

Post » Sun Mar 30, 2014 3:15 pm

NOTE: A Fortify Restoration Potion that you drink then makes the Talos Necklace turn into ZERO WAIT TIME for all shouts. NO EULA RULES BROKEN with this Potion or Gameplay

Since there is no command line on the console, I go out of my way to find ways to compensate for this. ( NO HEX EDITING USED ) I have completed this game twice and then got Dawnguard. The first time through was problem free but the 2nd time glitched out not being able to get the castle gate opened by Serana to start the core game play of the DLC quest. A little research revealed that I had to remove the DLC and a few other things to fix the problem. This really bothered me and was not going to reload the DLC.

I then took Serana to Fort DawnGuard and she said that this place gives her the Creeps and would wait for me back at the gate. That's when I drank the fortify restoration potion that gave me ZERO WAIT Time between shouts and with " Unrelenting Force " I shouted her all the way to the entrance of the actual Fort. This really got Serana mad at me and would not stop attacking me :D . I then entered the Fort and she followed me in. Well, no one inside would attack her at first but with a little Magic I had all NPC's killing each other, over and over again. I then snuck out and left the region for a week or so in game play time. Upon returning to DawnGuard they were still fighting Serana ( all four of them ) without any sleep or eating. I started laughing and said to myself " Serves you right for not opening the Castle Gate for me in the first place"

I reloaded another save game and went to DawnGuard and Drank the Potion again for ZERO WAIT Time between shouts. Then got ISRAN pissed off at me and got him to chase me all the way to Riften. He eventually got away from my sight and returned to the fort.

Shortly after that I went to a defeated Stormcloak Camp and pissed off the Captain there and he chased me all over the place. I used the Unrelenting Force and shouted him on the ground all the way from Solitude to Whiterun (Took about 400 Unrelenting Force Shouts to complete.) At some point, I was shouting him through water while he was swimming and it glitched him out. He then started swimming while on land and would not stop until an enemy or I winded him, then he would stop swimming in the AIR and chase me on foot. It was funny as hell and I was able to get a Game Save with him swimming on land for a future return to havoc with a Stormcloak Captain wearing his Nike Air's :twirl: .

I took a shot a killing Maven with the Zero Wait Time between shouts BUT was only able to get her stuck under water at a pier in Riften. I was hoping that the falling through the floor glitch would consume her but Unrelenting Force only freed her from an eternal bubble bath under water.

Pissing off the Giants and using the Unrelenting Force on them, netted me a placement of one of the Giants up on the Bridge/Gate right outside of the Whiterun Main Gate. He was stuck and could not get down. I just rested and watched as people and guards would walk right under the bridge without attacking him.

I would love to hear from others that have drank the Fortify Restoration Potion to get the ZERO WAIT Time between shouts on the PS3 & the Funny stories. :icecream:

BTW - PS3ers or XBoxers want an Emulated Command line for RPG Game Play Enhancement TOO :devil:

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Justin Hankins
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Post » Sun Mar 30, 2014 5:27 pm

We're not allowed to discuss modding the game on PS3/Xbox 360 consoles on these forums, since it violates the End-User License Agreement.

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Amiee Kent
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Post » Sun Mar 30, 2014 11:36 am

It's not modded, it's a Fortify restoration potion that you take that beefs up the Talos necklace Wait time to " 0 ". No HEX editing involved.& NO EULA rules broken. I will try to edit the above post to avoid deletion of this funny post.

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Danii Brown
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