Best Steward for three types of Homestead?

Post » Mon Mar 31, 2014 5:40 am

I've decided to use all 3 Homesteads for different purposes... and I'm planning on choosing a Steward that suits the type of Homestead I'm going for the best. However, I'm not that knowledgeable when it comes to the different stewards that are available - so I was hoping... well... to consult you guys, o' people of wisdom of the Bethesda Forums. (Okay, that sounded much better in my head...)


Basically, my 3 Homesteads are as such:

Lakeview Manor: Family Home - Brelyna Maryon is my wife, and I've adopted Sofia and Blaise. Storage Room, Kitchen and Bedrooms.

Winstad Manor: Palace of Knowledge - Alchemy Tower, Library and Greenhouse.

Heljarchen Hall: "Man Cave" of sorts - Adventuring Base - Enchanting Tower, Armory and Trophy Room.

So, with all that taken into account, who would you say would be the best Steward for each, who fits the description and purpose of each house - and especially for the latter - would get along with the wife and kids (And maybe the housecarl, but that's less important).

Many thanks! :D

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Bryanna Vacchiano
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Post » Mon Mar 31, 2014 12:43 am

Lakeview - Lydia. but if you're not the Dragonborn then Uthgerd is a good choice.

Windstad - The male Nord from the college of Winterhold.

heljarchen - Benor

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Laurenn Doylee
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