M'aiq welcomes you to Random Skyrim Questiosn #5!
M'aiq will release at least two or three more parts of RSQ. Any question suggestions for #6? Post it below!
- Lilith Maiden-Loom of course. What kind of question is this?
- Nords are so serious about beards. So many beards. M'aiq thinks they wish they had glorious manes like Khajiit.
- M'aiq would enjoy Vaermina's realm.. He would scare off all of the monsters that awaits in her realm.
- M'aiq prefers drinking milk. It is a well known fact that Khajiit like milk.
- A khajiit!
- Absolutely!
- Absolutely!
- Horker... (((http://s2.quickmeme.com/img/53/53d41a7fbbdc14e60217d6bbe3aa7533d00e86215ed5fd292d47307aa499ca47.jpg)))
- M'aiq is enjoying RSQ