So... This really cool mod by T4- Malkion and M3rvin is amazing, but there seems to be little info about some of the features of the mod. My question in particular has to do with the animal cages.
I used the debrainer and the zapper on a gecko, and now I have the gecko in a cage inside the home's laboratory. The problem is that I can barely see him, since the cage is beneath the floor, and there seems to be nothing I can do with him at all. Does anyone know how to get the animals to at least be seen, or is there some control I'm missing that allows the player to gather eggs or something? I guess I'm asking if there's a function to having a caged animal in this lab?
I haven't found any controls or anything for the cages, but I suppose that doesn't mean they don't exist.
Also, I don't see the point of the VR survival pod. It takes everything you have and dumps you in a very plain (and dark) environment, but nothing ever seems to happen, and I've never manage to find a way out.