Block Activation on door not working.

Post » Fri Apr 04, 2014 12:35 pm

I've an autoload door that a NPC insists on using even though his AI package should take him in totally the opposite direction. The AI package is a Travel Package, the NPC stands near the autoload door, in the game world (exterior) when he forcegreets player, then he should travel to a marker way across the land which is also exterior. Instead he uses the autoload door to an interior cell. DefaultBlockActivation script causes problems - NPC still tries to use the door, goes invisible but can still be heard spouting random greetings by the door. Player when attempting to use the door now gets stuck and the interior cell never loads. I've tried making a locklist to keep him out and checking "Off Limits" but he still goes for the autoload door. Why?


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Laura Shipley
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