Naming of Altmer

Post » Sat Apr 05, 2014 9:34 am

Hello again everyone. I decided to do fresh playthroughs of Oblivion and Skyrim while waiting for the PS4 edition ESO and once thought of making Dunmer characters for each game but I have thought long and hard about my race of choice and see myself more in tune with my inner Altmer. However, one thing eludes me - how are Altmer named? What are the, if any, naming conventions of their race and what should I know? I wish to try and create my own names but I can't seem to fully understand what the Do's and Dont's are for naming an Altmer - specifically for my characters male Altmer. Anyone who could enlighten me to any conventions or rules in Altmeri naming I thank you in advance. *smiles*
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Julie Serebrekoff
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