Eheheheh... okay, I pretty much dropped off these forums for about a year, so I don't know much about current fanfictions trends... but one of your questions is close to my heart, so I'm giving it a shot.
Regarding how to write multiple characters in the same world... I think what you're asking is a matter of point of view.
On the one hand, you've got the "multiple storylines in the same world" idea. I tried it once, and it was really fun. I had three very different characters who alternated chapters: I found that this was a good way to get different perspectives on similar situations, as well as a way to pace drama, humor, or whatever else. The way I did it was to keep the characters mostly apart; they were in the same world, and they occasionally crossed paths, but they each had their own story to tell. If you were to do this, my main advice would be: if they do interact, try to avoid telling the same long conversation from more than one point of view. One pov should be enough, if you use enough body language and dialogue to tell what the other characters are thinking.
(Ahaha. The fanfiction is WAY back in summer of last year, and is probably about to be eaten by the forum, but surprisingly, it's still there.
On the other hand, you can have them traveling together. This could be either from one point of view or be in third person--it doesn't really matter. The point is that they'd be interacting, and that just may be the key to an interesting story. Again, even if you use a first person or third-limited pov, you would be able to develop the other characters easily enough through dialogue and body language. Or you could switch povs throughout the group... again, just try to avoid repeating a long conversation, since that can get tedious if not done right.
I guess the main advice would be to go with your gut on that one. Do you see your story as being more interesting with your main characters doing their stuff together, or do you see them each with their individual storylines? It's your story, so it's your call.
Then again, I guess the main MAIN advice would be to write what YOU enjoy. Naturally. Have fun with it, and don't worry too much about what others want to read; we're all just here to have fun.
Regarding how to write multiple characters in the same world... I think what you're asking is a matter of point of view.
On the one hand, you've got the "multiple storylines in the same world" idea. I tried it once, and it was really fun. I had three very different characters who alternated chapters: I found that this was a good way to get different perspectives on similar situations, as well as a way to pace drama, humor, or whatever else. The way I did it was to keep the characters mostly apart; they were in the same world, and they occasionally crossed paths, but they each had their own story to tell. If you were to do this, my main advice would be: if they do interact, try to avoid telling the same long conversation from more than one point of view. One pov should be enough, if you use enough body language and dialogue to tell what the other characters are thinking.
(Ahaha. The fanfiction is WAY back in summer of last year, and is probably about to be eaten by the forum, but surprisingly, it's still there.

On the other hand, you can have them traveling together. This could be either from one point of view or be in third person--it doesn't really matter. The point is that they'd be interacting, and that just may be the key to an interesting story. Again, even if you use a first person or third-limited pov, you would be able to develop the other characters easily enough through dialogue and body language. Or you could switch povs throughout the group... again, just try to avoid repeating a long conversation, since that can get tedious if not done right.
I guess the main advice would be to go with your gut on that one. Do you see your story as being more interesting with your main characters doing their stuff together, or do you see them each with their individual storylines? It's your story, so it's your call.
Then again, I guess the main MAIN advice would be to write what YOU enjoy. Naturally. Have fun with it, and don't worry too much about what others want to read; we're all just here to have fun.

:o Your back!