If you could improve Skyrim in one way...

Post » Mon Apr 07, 2014 12:37 pm

What would you improve? For me, it'd be the combat system and "Boss Fights"... Speaking as a non-magic user, the combat in Skyrim is just too simplistic, and enemies don't pose any real threat as you can just absorb hits while hitting each other over the head with swords/axes/maces, which makes it a bit unsatisfying for me. Not to mention the small selection of weapon types.

And for Boss fights...Well, I'm sure a lot of you were disappointed in the end-quest Alduin showdown. I feel like experiences should be more unique when fighting such major Lore characters, like Mannimarco or Alduin, and not just fighting another mage/dragon with the same move-sets, animations, tactics etc. but with more hp and maybe an extra power.

An example of a good fighting system and Bosses to me would be my beloved Dark/Demon Souls. In even normal battles with grunts you have to keep in mind how they fight, what weapons they're using, and how you approach them, and if you decide to just rush in and try to bash like in Skyrim, you get punished pretty badly.

As for what you have in the system, every weapon you can equip usually has a different moveset (a longsword may have a different moveset than a broadsword etc.) so you can choose your favored fighting style from a wide selection of weapons (whether it be wide crowd-slaying swings or precise stabs, or a combo of both). As well as a more skill-based dodging and parry-and-reposte system.

As for Boss fights almost every boss fight in the Souls series is a unique experience, with each boss having a unique move-set, weakness, and strengths, as well as presenting a real challenge to overcome in a satisfying manner.

Yes, I realize Souls is Souls and Elder Scrolls is Elder Scrolls, but it wouldn't hurt to them to take some ideas from them, or vice-versa (Skyrim certainly has a superior Open World to Dark Souls).

So, what would you improve?

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Post » Tue Apr 08, 2014 12:07 am

I would enhace the quests making them more complex and with multiple results, and with multiple options. Not forcing them into the player. Just that.

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Oscar Vazquez
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Post » Tue Apr 08, 2014 3:28 am

Oooh, that's also good.

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Post » Mon Apr 07, 2014 8:57 pm

I would bring back Attributes.

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Spooky Angel
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Post » Mon Apr 07, 2014 9:42 pm

If I could improve The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim I would create quests that have more than 1 dialogue options with more than 1 branching paths that have consequences and severe consequences and release it for free in a patch with a lot of bug fixes.

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jess hughes
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Post » Mon Apr 07, 2014 5:45 pm

Easily the writing.

The main quests and guild quests were very badly thought out and lacking. The Dark brotherhood doesn't suffer as badly but the Companions and College are really where it's visible.

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chirsty aggas
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Post » Mon Apr 07, 2014 4:40 pm

Oh no....

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Post » Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:43 am


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lydia nekongo
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Post » Mon Apr 07, 2014 7:22 pm

Im sorry. I just can see this thread being overrun by political enthusiasts and TES haters. :D

On topic, i'd get more voice actors.

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Austin England
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Post » Mon Apr 07, 2014 3:51 pm

Heh, that'd be ironic, considering they'd have to own a profile on this site to post :P

Hmm, yeah, it'd be interesting if they implemented different accents for different regions...I for one find it odd that Brynjolf is the only person in all of Skyrim to have an Irish accent :P

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Rebecca Dosch
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Post » Mon Apr 07, 2014 3:32 pm

Nobody hates a piece of media more than its most fervent fans.

Anyway... the way I'd improve TES? Get an actual thieves guild (NOT Mafia+Thugs), and re-work Maven Black-Briar into a better character - Either make her killable, and/or make her a proper crimelord - Bodyguards, an opulent office, and more subtlety in her role, instead of having her walking around with "I'M IN WITH THE DARK BROTHERHOOD AND THIEVES GUILD" all the time.
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candice keenan
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Post » Mon Apr 07, 2014 1:08 pm

First off I love the TES and Skyrim.

But if there was one thing I could fix, it would be recognition of who you are.

Example. That guard should address me properly. I am the dragonborn and I am thane of his hold. I don't need no "let me guess... someone stole your sweetroll." drivel out of his mouth.

I want to walk into Markarth with my forsworn character and not have to listen to people complaining about forsworn in the Reach. They should see me in my forsworn glory and start talking in whispers... fear my presence and get out of my way.

I don't need some dumb orc trying to recruit my VAMPIRE into the Dawnguard. hearing a rumor about the hunters should be enough if I feel inclined to join them against my kind.

And you... you silly thief who walks up to my werewolf and says "HAND OVER YOUR STUFF!" Uh... or what?

And Nazeem. You really think I care about your trivial riches and going to the cloud district? I own homes in every hold. I have enough money to fund a small army. I am your thane. Oh... and during the battle of Whiterun? Yeah I was in the cloud district defeating the jarl in the name of Ulfric Stormcloak. So shut up!

I could go on and on.


Oh and branching outcomes, different ways of doing quests, changing outcomes and so on. I support that idea as well. And no forced quests, having to start one to continue another. Civil War and MQ I am talking about you guys.


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Post » Tue Apr 08, 2014 2:10 am

Yes. a good diversity on quest options and recognitions consequences of your acts were for me the main flaws of vanilla game, somewhat half fixed by some mods.

And for the mages I guess spellmaking

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Laura Ellaby
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Post » Tue Apr 08, 2014 5:09 am

I agree. The Companions and the College were just bad.
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Matt Bigelow
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Post » Mon Apr 07, 2014 5:44 pm

Add multiple M'aiqs. :devil:

And of course, M'aiq will improve quests that really need them.

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Lilit Ager
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Post » Mon Apr 07, 2014 10:17 pm

Between what has already been said. More effective choices with different outcomes and consequences and most definitely an improvement on writing. These sort of things could improve upon questlines.

If I had to go with one, it would be the writing. To me, you can't have choices that actually matter to the player without a good story behind them, and you can't have a good story without some writing. Otherwise, the choices would be about as meaningful as choosing a side on the civil war. :disguise:

Perhaps good writing would go hand in hand with the dialogue choices for the player as well as that is something I want to see improved. I enjoy more depth in dialogue options because it gives your character, well, character and its great to actually see NPCs react to what you say. Similar to the Fallout games, not necessarily like Fallout 3 or even Mass Effect where the dialogue options feel flat out obvious between sounding like an annoying goody two shoes or a heartless brat to where dialogue is only based on different levels of karma or whatever, but being a bit more creative with various dialogue choices.

There was even a moment in Skyrim where I saw the game excel at this. The moment a boy walks up to you saying he has a map that leads to some Dwemer goodies and he would only give it to you for gold. That option where you can say something along the lines of "give me the map or I'll take you over my knee". That was just great and it had me craving for more dialogue similar to such.

I know people prefer their dialogue to stay dull or even in previous TES game's cases, be limited to only the name of the topic like "rumors" so they can imagine what their character says and imagine their character actually has an in-depth personality, but I actually want to see it and I want other characters to react to it as if it's REAL.

Some of those long drawn out conversations you can have with an NPC because of such good writing and dialogue options that it is actually intriguing. Which can be found in TES at times, be it with Dagoth Ur, Lucien Lachance, or Herma Mora, but I only hope for more of it and to improve upon it.

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Rik Douglas
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Post » Mon Apr 07, 2014 4:13 pm

Agree !

Oh and a reworking of the magic system, because I find it extremely infuriating that using a bow and/or a melee weapon will lead you through the game a lot easier than with magic. I'm not saying that magic should be easy, more like it should be a real choice of advantages between this and non magic combat, not a way to say : "I want more challenge, therefore I'm using magic" :bonk:

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Robyn Lena
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Post » Mon Apr 07, 2014 6:25 pm

My suggestion is simple, better facial expressions for the main characters... rather than the blank cold stare we have now . Just that.

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Erin S
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Post » Mon Apr 07, 2014 4:15 pm

Mostly everything I'd want has been said already by legion and Res.

If to add anything, I'd want unarmed combat.

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Shaylee Shaw
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Post » Mon Apr 07, 2014 11:44 pm

NPCs the player could become attached to and feel happy or sad for.
Kodlak is the only NPC that I feel a little bit sad for and he only says a few things.
oh and a proper disposition thingy.
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Post » Mon Apr 07, 2014 1:29 pm

The ability to remove the compass on the Xbox.

That's it.

Please please please allow this in TES VI.

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