Well since we are not allowed to post on Elder Scrolls Online for questions, I am still on the fence about getting it. I am shocked we can't post on it unless we have bought the game. Is it really that bad that you can't post on the unless ZOS (Zenimax) gets your money? So since I can't ask there, I will ask a non ESO question here to see if it will persuade my opinion and maybe buy the game.
Why do you like to pay a monthly subscription for any MMO you play? I don't play online, so this is a new concept for me. I have tried Guild Wars never played it much, but it's a non subscription game though. So the only other one I know of, is World of Warcraft. Never tried it, never even seen it played. So goes to show you I know nothing of MMO.
So why do you play them (for fun obviously but seeing if there is other reasons) and why do you pay for it? I know if you want to play it, you keep paying for it. But why do you accept paying for it? I can't grasp this concept of paying for a game and then keep paying after you bought it. If Bethesda can make a game we can play for 500 for $60, why do we have to keep playing for an MMO? This is not a complaint, just want to understand. Why do people keep paying for WoW and other MMO games. (I don't even know of any other MMO games)
What are the benefits to it? All I read is to keep the "internet" or "internet gamers" out of the games that they flock to Free to Play games. So does paying a sub fee keep the "jerks" out? It's more of a pleasurable experience?
Just like to know why YOU like paying subscription based games.
*edit* please don't make this a MMO svcks, we shouldn't be paying for a sub fee. This is for people who like it and why.