Need some advice with Nord names..

Post » Wed Apr 09, 2014 3:32 am

Hello everybody.

I need some help with naming two characters, both Nords, one is a male and the other is a female.

They're both Mages and they fought for the Stormcloaks, I already came up with a name for the male.

Any advice is welcome though.

Nord male

First name: Voldor ( I think it's pretty good but suggestions are welcome )

Last name/Clan name: Ice-Shield ( Not sure about this one though, something magical would fit more, something with Ice/Frost/Snow/Wind/Winter in it can be great. )

Nord female

Now here I have absolutely no idea, she's a Mage and a Stormcloak so I guess it could hint on something.

She's not of the huge bulky types of Nords though, she's a peaceful and a quiet person who's loyal to her friends ( As if that indicates on a name :ermm: )

That's it I guess, thanks :)

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