Proper Method For Common Modding Actions?

Post » Thu Apr 10, 2014 6:52 pm

I'd like know what are some of the "recommended/standard" methods are for certain actions. Back in the Oblivion days, there were established methods for maximizing compatibility. For example, in order to maximize compatbility with Leveled Lists, or Inventory, you'd merge it all in a bashed patch. You were advised to never undelete references to things. Avoid editing certain vanilla records, etc. However, Skyrim has been out for quite some time, and I know the modding scene has changed a bit. I'm jumping back into the modding scene now, and I'd like to know how to do these specfic things:

1) My mod edits some Leveled Lists. I'd like to know what the proper way for adding LL's into the game is, while maintaining compatibility with other people's mods. I keep hearing about things like SkyProccer and Tend0's stuff, but I dont know anything about it. Can anyone help me here?

2) I'd like to add more spawns to the game (Additional wildlife, new encounters, that sort of thing). Is there a suggested method or tutorial for this that maximizes compatibility.

3) For my own reference, since it will be my first time adding spawns to the world, is there an easy way to add spawns without worrying about editing vanilla world/terrain?

Any info on any of these would be GREATLY appreciated. Granted my mod will change a lot of the game to match my own goals, I would like to make it as clean and compatible with other mods as possible. So Help here would be well received. Thanks in advance!

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carley moss
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