Generally now I never bother with the MQ. I will finish up to getting the rest of Unrelenting Force. This also gets me recognized as the Dragonborn and the Greybeards will give me clues as to where to look for more word walls. As far as Delphine is concerned I usually just take the horn from her and follow her to the bedroom. I shut the door when asked, and then when she goes downstairs I open the door back up and leave. I assume she is forever in the basemant of the Inn … waiting for me to follow her. Somehow that makes me happy.
So now I’m comparing the differences my game would have if I just finish the MQ or just stop at this point. Either way dragons still attack. Either way very few if anyone knows who I am (where is my statue dang it!). The Civil war can go on either way. I can become the master of all factions either way. I mean essentially nothing changes at that point. I can just do some more quests for the MQ … or not and go do something else. The game remains basically the same either way.
Does anyone else think that overall the MQ in Skyrim is kind of pointless and accomplishes nothing?