I have wrye bashed , bossed , cleaned , and game runs like butter >Then just CTD , MODS OR NON MODS ! High settings or low setting . I give up !
I have wrye bashed , bossed , cleaned , and game runs like butter >Then just CTD , MODS OR NON MODS ! High settings or low setting . I give up !
Playing a new game? Or using an old save?
Also, post PC specs and mods used.
I have never seen butter run, at least not at room temperature. Do you mean melted butter? That can get very runny.
My load order is been checked by the larest boss , all my mod's have been cleaned by tes5 latest version , wrye bash has given them all there tags , I have AMD CPU 3.8Gig 12 gigs of system ram nvidia geforce card with 2 gigs + 4 gigs Cache memory is random access memory (RAM) as backup for game , at a player stand still my FPS JUMP TO 397 , AND drop to 35 because I have a limiter setting ! But the game just plays along just fine then drops to desktop all my mods have been merged with wrye bash and show no conflics , and I only have 12 of them ! so thats it , now I will post this in the place the above person linked me to . Sorry if I posted a bother to you all .
M'aiq thinks that you should post this in the technical difficulties. M'aiq has around... He forgot how many, but he probably has 500-ish mods and his laptop works real well.
M'aiq apologies for the others rude behavior if you thought they were rude to you but he welcomes you to the forums with open arms. He would give you a fishy stick, but sadly, he does not have one.
Please use either the mod forum or the tech forum for your platform, and please outline the specific issues - your OP provides no info, so no one can help you.