(to those who are not familiar with the term "pile of shame", it refers to the pile of games you have purchased, but have yet to fully play/beat)
was setting up my new Entertainment system, and I realized my Pile of Shame is ridiculous...
for my PS3 I have 17 games I have purchased but yet to beat..
for my XBOX 360 I have 2 Games I have yet to beat
for my PS2 I've got 7 games I have yet to play or beat..
on my Steam Account I have 14 games I have yet to play..
on Origin I have 2 game I have yet to beat..
on UPlay I have 3..
for my 3DS I have 3 Games I still need to play..
from GoG.com I have 16 games..
I Have 4 Visual Novels I purchased I still need to beat..
and then I have 3 Older Games I purchased a few years back I still need to beat..
So thats a total of 71 games in my Pile of Shame... on the bright side, due to being laid off because my office is being shut down, I'll have plenty of time to make a dent in this pile before it gets any larger..
So, just how large is your pile of shame?