Hello. I have a VERY weird bug which, as far as I am aware, is unique (I've not managed to find one like it by google).
When in third person mode, everything except my weapon (which looks normal not grey) is invisible - my body, clothes, everything.
When I am in first person mode, everything turns into a one-colour grey, hand, weapon, torch, w/e is held.
This is in place since the Bloodskall dragon priest fight in Solstheim (the one you get to during the mine quest) - a weird fog started following me and when I let it "catch" me this bug happened.
Here is the REALLY weird thing with the bug: When I use my healing spell (the most basic one), I turn back visible?! and I remain visible for either 4-5 seconds or UNTIL I draw out my weapon, at which point I sort of shimmer out into invisibility. I am -not- partially visible like with ethereal shout - if I hide my weapon I can't see me. however I can talk etc. to others normally
here are the things I tried already to do to fix it which did not work:
Used ethereal shout
used ethereal shout + fast travel
used the console command to dispell all spells
restarted skyrim
used an invisibility potion / scroll ( when I do this or the shout, I turn into that sort of "invisibility" until its duration runs out at which point I turn back 100% invisible).
This is not a gameplay affecting bug it seems (people etc. see me all okay) just visual but its HELLA annoying and quite interesting.
Anybody knows what to do ?_?
thanks in advance for yer help!