How to get function to work on NPC in dialogue with Player?

Post » Tue Apr 15, 2014 3:16 pm

Hey guys! I'm making a mod that allows the player to view the NPC's current stats via dialogue.

I'm new to scripting so I want to know how you can make a function that executes on the NPC which is currently speaking to the Player.

For example:

The syntax for the getrelationshiprank function is:

int Function GetRelationshipRank(Actor akOther) native

An example of the script in use from the website is:

; Does the daedra like the player?
if daedra.GetRelationshipRank(Game.GetPlayer()) >= 1
Debug.Trace("Daedra likes the player")

I want to know how to make the function work on the NPC currently in dialogue with the Player.

For example:

If the Player is in dialogue with "Delphine", I want the function to get the relationship rank between Delphine and the Player.

Or if the Player is in dialogue with "Aela The Huntress", I want to the function to retrieve the relationship rank between Aela and the Player.

Basically, the NPC which is in dialogue with the player and NOT just a specific actor.

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Guinevere Wood
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