I am at level 85. How many levels does Skyrim have?
Lydia and I have double enchanted Daedric armor and weapons. Smithing has been legendary 9x. It will be 10 soon, level 92 smithing. 600,000 gold coins trying to get to 1,000,000 to see the glitch showing it.
1.) My armor is smithing enchanted. When I went legendary the last time, the smithing enchantment of 44% does not show on skills. My heavy armor enchantment does.
2.) Doing the quests on Solstheim. Gate is down at gyldenhul barrow. I ran into a mining glitch. Keeps going back to mining. Only way to stop it was exit. When I when back in, gate was closed. I am too far along to restart again. Went back to saves several times and it did not resolve it. Moved on.
3.) I was bored last night, tried to get to the volcano. It will not let me.
4.) I was looking for a map with all the locations in Skyrim. I have been roaming around finding everything. Trying to complete each quest from each building and location.
5.) Stormcloak quest is broke at the Rift. Gave up on it. Tried restarting from a save.