The Evil Within to PS VITA

Post » Fri Apr 18, 2014 12:12 am

Well i have a request please bring The Evil Within to PS VITA,no doubt it would be successful on that platform.Vita is strong enough to run PS3 games and atm games are releasing for both Vita and PS3 with the same graphic quality.

I would like to purchase this game with any price for my vita even 100 USD,i dont own any other console and just like handhelds.i like portable games to play them everywhere.

Please think on it :D

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Lil Miss
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Post » Fri Apr 18, 2014 12:08 am

Forget about it my friend.

1- Bethesda doesn't support struggling platforms like Vita and Wii U... Heck, the didn't even support the Wii.

2- The game is barely running with a decent Framerate on next-gen platforms while looking underwhelming graphically, how do you expect them to make it run on the Vita?

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