I want to apply a short-term buff to the player's health.
Damage/Restore/ForceActorValue aren't useful here, as there's only a benefit if the maximum health is increased.
SetActorValue will fill the health when used, which is a bit more generous than I'd like.
ModActorValue is fine for the increase, but if I remove the same amount at the effect's expiry, it might kill the player. This is only an issue with Health, as Magicka and Stamina can fall to zero without the same negative consequences. If the amount subtracted is reduced to keep the player alive, then the maximum health retains the difference, and the temporary boost just became permanent (or part of it, at least).
It looks like I need to use ForceActorValue to establish a minimum level of health that's high enough for a subsequent ModAV to leave some in the pool, or is there a better way?