Like the title says. I went and did it. I always play Skyrim on the xbox 360. Well, I went and purchased the Legendary Edition for my pc along with a wired controller and hdmi cord so I can play the game while it is using the tv for a screen.
I have learned about SKSE and SKSE.ini, NMM and Steam and now have a basic knowledge of mods. After spending a full day looking at hundreds of mods, I made a list and picked which ones I liked, and started to install them one at a time. In other words I installed one, played the game to see if it worked, and then installed another, played, installed another, etc. I am not much on technical terms and rather deal in layman's terms.
The mods I chose are:
Alternative Start
Breezehome Fully Upgradeable
Water and Terrain
Sounds of Skyrim
Unique Grasse and Groundcovers
Guard Dialogue Overhaul
Immersive Armors
Left Hand Rings
Apachii Skyhair
Race Menu
Lovely Hairstyles
Raven Warpaints
Wind Destruction Magic
Dragon Priest Armor
Witchplate Armor
Screaming Knight Armor
Daedric Assassin Light Armor
Horse Armor
Some of the mods are from Steam and some are from Nexus. Everything is running smoothly together, but I do not know about the armor until I get the proper perks to forge them.
The only one I am having problems with is the Dragon Priest Armor. You are supposed to be able to both forge it and put the codes in, but I cannot get the codes to work. Any advice for this??
I truly cannot believe the difference and to me it is like a whole new game. A completely new Skyrim. There are no lockups, no freezes, and the loading times are way shorter. Outside of the cost of the game, the only other monies I spent was on some cords and the wired controller.