Need help with my character.

Post » Sun Apr 20, 2014 11:24 am

Hello Everybody.

Thanks to Garrus I was able to create a perfect character ( For me at least ) in the character creation.

Thing is, I want to play her, and I NEED a good story for her.

So let's see..

- Name: Gyda Litfort

- Born in Skyrim

- 25 years old when the Dragonborn returns

- Breton

- Her parents were merchants ( nobles, rich, Gyda was taught how to read and write )

- Her parents were obviously involved with the affairs of the Empire.

- When the civil war begins, her family is told that they better return to High Rock, Gyda herself doesn't want to leave and tells her parents that she's staying.

- Although her father was against it in the end they parted ways and Gyda stayed.

- Their home was sold and her parents gave her a good amount of gold.

- She traveled around Skyrim ( accompanying caravans and mercenaries as she cannot really fight )

- She dreams of becoming a Mage, she was declined to enter the College Of Winterhold for lack of knowledge

- She is generally a person of good morale, will aid those who need help even if it puts her in danger

- She's brave and doesn't fear battle however she's not really a fighter and only a beginner Mage

- She's not the Dovahkiin ( Thanks Skyrim Unbound! )

That's it I guess, it looks really lacking, I think it's absolutely unoriginal and boring.

Any help will be much appreciated and sorry for my English. :)

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Post » Sun Apr 20, 2014 9:39 am

That seems like a good backstory to me, enough to provide some direction and role playing possibilities, whilst also not being restrictive. What do you feel it's missing?

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kitten maciver
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Post » Sun Apr 20, 2014 5:23 am

not sure what your lacking. you appear to already be off to a good start.

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Alex Vincent
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Post » Sun Apr 20, 2014 6:21 am

Well that's exactly the problem, I think it misses direction. She wants to become a Mage true but that's it. I don't even know in what she'd like to specialize. I think there are some parts in between that could be filled with interesting things.

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Nick Pryce
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Post » Sun Apr 20, 2014 7:11 am

Just realized she was born in 4E 176 and that's the date of the Markarth Incident ( Isn't that the official beginning of the Civil War or should I be ashamed of my lore knowledge? )

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Kevin S
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Post » Sun Apr 20, 2014 9:18 am

well don't plan it all out at once. let her become a mage. she can visit the college. there maybe she will learn of other things... develop a hatred for the thalmor and decide to add her skills in the civil war. Or who knows. but if you plan out the story from start to finish before playing it, that's no fun.

I often create a character with a story in mind that I want to play through. There is room to grow as you play her and get a sense of what she would or would not want to do. And some times you might just make a character for one thing. I've made a character JUST for the Dark Brotherhood quest. once that was over with I had no other need of that character so she retired.

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Jaylene Brower
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Post » Sun Apr 20, 2014 6:59 am

Why did she not want to go with her parents?

why did she decide she wanted to study magic?

What kind of magic do you like most?

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Chris Jones
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Post » Sun Apr 20, 2014 11:16 am

You're probably right.

After I get to the college, I'll see what happens next. However I think she needs more past events that will influence her future actions, I really have no idea.

I want more events ( Good or bad ) that happened in her life that influence her present. Maybe even learning new school of Magic because of something that happened in the past? ( Necromancy maybe.. )

I think my story is pretty bland and boring and there's no much happening. of a story that I really think is original and interesting. I mean sure this character is traumatized to the maximum but maybe that's what I'm missing?

By the way, need to remove the "Parents left because of civil war" as it doesn't match dates at all. Need some other reason for the to leave.

She wanted to stay in Skyrim, she was born there and she loves the country a lot.

She wants to learn the secrets of the world (?) To be one of them scholars maybe..

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Laurenn Doylee
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Post » Sun Apr 20, 2014 9:27 am

I always use backstories as a jumping-off point. I don't want to act out a story with my character, I want to discover her story by following her around Skyrim and watching what happens.

I think your backstory is just rich enough to provide a jumping-off point. With that story in mind, start following Gyda around Skyrim and see what happens. Let her make the decisions about what she does or how she reacts to the things that happen to her. Let her tell you more about why things have happened the way they did, why she makes the decisions she makes, etc. You never know where she might end up. Heck, she might decide to join the Companions or become a thief. After watching her steward, Rayya, dual-wield scimitars, my arcane archer decided to give it a try and now she's one hell of a swordswoman - something I never would have expected of her.

Just play the game and see where life takes her.

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