Hey, not sure if this is a known issue, it's brand new to me. I was having issues with a mod that screwed up my game after I removed it (Skyrim Unbound), and the mod was removed from Steam Workshop so I cannot load it back up to try and correct it.
When I load an existing character savegame, that character dies within 3 minutes of unforeseen causes. He just keels over, sometimes gets shot into the air like an invisible giant smashed them. This isn't random, it happens at an exact moment, in fact one of my saves I actually managed to quick save a second before it happens. On the other, it happens exactly 3m20s into the game, without fail.
I tried to test the mods I use. I stopped them 5 at a time, to see if one of the five would stop the issue with no luck. I tried all my mods this way, no luck. It doesn't matter if I load a game with no mods (just DLC) or every mod.. every time without fail the character dies. In fact the only time this *doesn't* happen is if I start a new game. This leads me to believe the saves are somehow corrupted. From what I know, that means I can say goodbye to my oldest and most beloved character and another with around 30 hours in. :/
I only post this in hope someone else has heard of an issue like this and may know a fix.
Help me Skyrim Community, you are my only hope!