Best way to attach persistent variables to actors?

Post » Thu Apr 24, 2014 7:27 am

So, I'm trying to attach custom variables to actors I use spells on to track NiNode scaling for various subsections. I was using PapyrusUtil, though I'm having issues with getting the NPCs to show the changes when loading the game after exiting to desktop, though the values were still there. I updated PapyrusUtil to a more recent version, and now I can't get a new playthrough to actually store the values anymore on the player, nevermind anyone else. I just get zeroes back as a value despite storing them just prior to the GetFloatValue call.

In short, is there a preferred method to attach and track custom NiNode scales? The options I'm aware of are to try and bludgeon PapyrusUtil to do what I want, try to make sense of JContainers if it's a viable thing, use hidden MiscObject 'tokens' on each actor and modify those directly. Or is there a better way of doing this? Any advice would be great.

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