My latest character (a Redguard Dungeon Delver) had me looking something that has bugged me in Skyrim: Light or Heavy armor? What is the real difference between them?
At low levels, there is certainly a difference as heavy armor generally gives the player better protection. But when looking long range, there really is no difference between the 2 armors. Roleplaying certainly factors in here, but this character is not being roleplayed
What I am getting at is that in my head, I see "Light Armor" and think less protection with better mobility. I see "Heavy Armor" and think better protection with less mobility. But this is not how it is done in Skyrim, as far as I can tell.
According to the
So... Light armor gives as much protection as heavy armor. I have also not noticed any gain or loss in mobility between the two, though I could be wrong here. I run just as fast. I tire just as quickly (I think). So my "mobility thinking" is wrong. According to the UESP, my "protection thinking" is wrong.
Is the only difference between the two only aesthetics, at higher levels?