as subject
as subject
I've used this and it works: http://www.creationkit.com/OnCombatStateChanged_-_Actor
But I was hoping by doing a script on Player Alias.
What does it mean that NPC caught you?
OnHit maybe if used defensively.
OnActorAction (SKSE) if offensively.
I must be not detected but I want that the Player can kill silently (sneaking kill)
I used this on the enemy actor:
Scriptname manny_GF_SetStageCombatStateScript extends Actor Quest Property manny_GF_MQ Auto Int Property myStage Auto Event OnCombatStateChanged(Actor akTarget, int aeCombatState) if (aeCombatState == 1 && akTarget == Game.GetPlayer()) manny_GF_MQ.setStage(myStage) endifEndEvent
According to the CK site, aeCombatState == 1 means that the actor is in Combat mode. However it trigs too even if I kill the enemy in one shot silently.
Also, I want to avoid to use SKSE.