uinstalled mods and it still happened. My logs said something about missing a fxaa file or something, ill update when i go home.
deleted game and folder and reinstalled. Added mod few and it plays. Added gnr radio and it still plays. Added the mod that takes the red dots off ur compass, still plays.
added texture mods.....ctd before title screen.
im a hit confused because im using the same texture mods ive been using for years and i know how to install them. Only difference is i used to have an amd card and processor and now have a nvidia card and amd processor.
Is there any texture mods that play nice with nvidia because now im remembering that the nvidia app they put on ur pc can clash with some mods all together but im not finding it anywhere.
So help and advice is need and appreciated.
nvidia 770 card
Amd 4 core processor
Using 7zip to unpackage