Skyrim causes PC freeze, black screen, and requires restart

Post » Sun Apr 27, 2014 5:23 am

Ever since I got skyrim, I've been having an issue after anywhere between a few minutes to about an hour that causes the video feed to freeze, the sound lasts for a few seconds longer and then sticks, causing a buzzing sound. By this point the PC fans are going nuts and I'm forced to hold down the power button to force shutdown and then turn back on my PC. This happens at random times while playing and has also happened while using a video editing software called Sony Vegas Pro 11. My PC is only 3 months old but has endured a ton of maintenance. It was prebuilt so I've replaced the power supply with a 600W Corsair power supply, the original graphics card died after the second day so I put in a new GeForce GTX 750, I replaced the stock heatsinc on the processor with a cooler master heatsinc that had to be mounted on with a custom back plate because it's so big. I used arctic silver when installing new heatsinc, I removed every component and transferred them to a new case that is bigger and accommodates more fans, I then added two more fans. None of that worked. Next I tried all of the internet forum favorites in trying to solve basic skyrim problems including: uninstalling and reinstalling, trying the sound fix dealing with amount of Hz, closing background programs, lowering windows 7 visual settings all the way, disconnecting from internet and disabling internet security, changing amount of RAM game can use to 4GB, starting a new save, opening up PC case and blowing a fan directly into it, taping an ice pack to the vent of an inflow fan on case, turning all fans to max RPM, removing potential problematic mods that use scripts, removing all mods, monitoring PC temps with CPUID Hardware Monitor Pro and got reading of: Processor Max:25C/77F Graphics Card Max:45C/113F, various other Skyrim.ini and SkyrimPrefs.ini modifications found on forums, updated all drivers to current versions, updated to current BIOS version, took back graphics card and swapped out for new one with same specs, and possibly more things that I'm probably forgetting.


Power Supply: Corsair 600W

Graphics Card: GeForce GTX 750

Processor: AMD FX - 8300 Eight-Core Processor

RAM: 8 GB (1 stick)

OS: Windows 7 Home Premium

Hard Drive: 1TB Rotational Drive

If my problem is the game or not, please let me know what it could be. I've tried almost everything I could think of and to this date have spent over $1,000 on a PC that should have only cost me $750. Any answer that hasn't already been mentioned in my paragraph above is welcome. Thank you for reading and have a nice day.

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Alexander Lee
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