My Skills:
- 3DS Max
- 2D art (photoshop and graphics tablet)
- Object Oriented Programming (I make my living through creating web applications on the Rails framework)
However, I am an utter begginer in the field of modding. Utterly. But I want to learn all there is because I really want to get a career in video games.
What I want to be able to soon:
- Import my weapons into Skyrim and disperse them throughout the world
- Build custom quests and NPCs
- Create new creatures with custom AI
- Build huge (province-sized) locations and add them to the world. The reason I say huge is because I want to know of any technical hurdles I may encounter doing this over adding a room or two with the Creation Kit.
What I want to be able to do down the line:
- Create my own custom spells such as transforming an NPC into a rabbit
- Food chains, wolfs hunt deer ect
- Permanent bodies (or at least tweak when the game gets rid of them)
- Rotting corpses. The older a corpse is the more biodegraded they get. Maybe even wildlife carring parts of them off (again not too macarbe)! When you revisit a mine you pillaged months ago, your felled enemies would be clothed skeletons.
- Spell crafting. Something along the lines that to open an oblivion gate you need to enter a location when the moon is high in the sky, have 4 human skulls, arrange them in a circle, cut your wrist over a candle ect. Always wanted more to the magic in Elder Scrolls rather than reading a book and getting glowy hands.
- Custom 'workbenches'. It always jarred me that dead wolfs are 'containers' that contain wolf pelts. I want to see my character preparing a wolf pelt from a kill. Not majorly gory, but you can see them fumbling with a knife.
- Huge agriculture mod where you need to till earth, sew in the right season, rotate crops, sell produce in the nearest town.
- Mod carts so you can actually have a ride and look around rather than fade to a new location.
- An ability to fill empty bottles up from a body of water, Zelda style.
- An ability to dig up the earth with the shovel to look for buried treasure! (Treasure maps would also play a part here)
- Custom menus. This doesn't really excite me at all but I feel its an important skill I'd like to have, especially with my argiculture mod.
However, I don't want to rely heavily on the Creation Kit. I want to learn the code. 2 questions really:
- How long do you think it'll take me to get up to speed with the first 4 goals and my harder goals? I'm comitted, have the time and prerequisite skills that will help, at least.
- Where are the tutorials to learn how to do this? It's so odd. A really vibrant modding community and yet googling for tutorials gets me nothing. How to install mods yes, plently, but literally nothing on how to get started modding. Is there a great, maybe official series on how to mod? My first texture, my first custom weapon ect all the way up to AI? Again I want to learn the code rather than the Creation Kit.