The Wasteland Interest CheckOOC

Post » Mon Apr 28, 2014 11:36 am

It is said that war, war never changes. This became a cruel reality when atomic fire cleansed the world on a saturday, October 23rd 2077. World war had come again, this time with devastating results. Nearly all life had disappeared from the face of Earth. However, there still are survivors. Some believe that the great vaults built by Vault-Tec saved a lot of people, but no one knows for sure. The true and unarguably survived can be seen and contacted instead, those who succeeded to save themselves in some other manner.

One such group can be found in Burlington, Vermont, hidden away in a cellar, built by a madman crazed about the apocalypse, who stockpiled supplies to feed him and others for months and who lined his own cellar with lead and sheltered all those who would follow him during the fateful day of the apocalypse. In this makeshift bunker, a small group of people has survived for a little over a month, but that life is about to come to an end, as some want to leave and other will have to, as the owner has calculated that he cannot feed much people for much longer...


This RP will feature the life and travels of a group of survivors from the said cellar, in a very open way. Characters shall be allowed to move in where ever they desire, and details of locations shall be made as they are required. But one thing is crucial to remember, no one is immortal and moving in a group will vouch for more security to the characters life than going off alone. To stay alive, scavenging for food, water and medicine is required and of course, the battle for survival against other humans and newly born horrors of the wasteland.

The RP starts in Burlington, Vermont with the scenario mentioned above. You have been sheltered from the war, but now you have to leave and survive. I shall act as the GM, alongside Gingy, who'll be Co-GM. If you have any questions or such, feel free to ask!

The Character Sheet template:







Eye color:






Misc. Items:

Previous Occupation:


Accepted characters:


Name: Finn Huxley

Age: 37

six: Male

Race: Caucasian

Skills: Adequate driver, however useless that is in the wasteland and a rather good fist fighter, in a bar brawl style combat at least. Also good at navigating in streets and can also do minor repairs rather well, in a Do-it-yourself mechanic fashion.

Appearance: Finn has dark brown hair with a hair line this is already escaping away from his forehead, which he likes to stylize by combing his hair towards the right temple. He isn’t a diligent shaver, so he has coarse brown stubble covering his cheeks and chin. Huxley’s body build is the regular bland mass of a middle aged man past his prime.

Eye color: Mossy green

Height: 5 feet and 9 inches (1, 75m)

Weight: 182 lb

Personality: Finn is a grown pessimist and otherwise quite melancholy, not being pleasurable company for the most time. He is also prone to dwell in the “golden” past, which he always sees as much better than the present.

Weapons: A pair of brass knuckles.

Clothing(/armor): A blue fleece shirt with black stripes that form squares, with the sleeves often rolled to the elbows. Huxley also wears faded jeans and common black leather shoes. On his head he has a dark blue flat hat.

Misc. Items: A brown leather wallet, a map of the U.S.A., keys to his apartment.

Previous Occupation: Taxi driver

Backstory: Born and raised in Burlington, Finn has never lived anywhere else, although he has traveled around northern America. As a boy, he was never good at school, although he was smart, if not intelligent. Years rolled and Finn ended up doing odd jobs instead of landing a permanent one. As the tensions around the globe began to escalate, Huxley thought of joining the military, but his mother spoke him out of those ideas.
Around these times Finn found himself a wife, even though he had been in that relationship for long before that. This was the push that made him seek any job that he might do full time, though he found nothing but the taxi drivers job. A few years passed, and Finn and his wife got a baby girl. This was the happiest time in Finns life, although he didn’t quite realize that then.

After having a child, Finns wife began to demand a better standard of life, and Finn wanted to oblige but couldn’t get a better job with global chaos mixing the employment markets up amongst other, more sinister things, like world war 3 that was seemingly brewing.

It was in the year 2077 when Finn and his wife got a divorce, which devastated Huxley mentally. His wife took their daughter with her and moved away, leaving Finn alone in Burlington. In the town an apocalypse nut had been constantly ranting about the end of the world which, in the end, turned out to be Finns salvation. For when the bombs hit the ground, Finn Huxley had made his way to this lunatic who had offered safety for all who would follow him. The man did not have a vault, but he had a shelter. A new beginning, in a new world.

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Post » Mon Apr 28, 2014 11:09 am

I'm interested, but could I RP as a guy with a nicer bunker? Not in a one up way, but I want to RP as a guy who was fearful such a war would come and has one of those 2-3 room bunkers suitable for survivors. I was thinking it'd fit 7-8 people who sleep in rotation on built in bunk beds. Maybe he'd invite the group to use it instead of a cellar. However, it wouldn't be a paradise, just an upgrade of comfort. Rationed MREs (One is chicken and rice the other is a porkchop meal) and better things like an air filter and water purification tablets and a water filter to run dirty water through. However the issues can rise if people want to live in his bunker as his only entertainments in there is a jukebox with an holoarchive of music and a bookshelf. He's only got his 12 gauge shotgun and pistol as guns, so any weapons and ammo you'd already need to own would be needed. The reason he'd let the group follow him would be that he's lonely and wants company and figures they'll be better defense than living alone. The three rooms I was thinking would be in the bunker is the main room/bunks, my character's 'master' room (which is just a private bedroom, he'd keep this since he owned the bunker) and a small office that has a computer terminal and a small bookshelf full of survivalist books and guides on basic medical care techniques.

When he falls into the fold, he'd still 'own' the bunker, but he'd relinquish rule (beyond ration of his food and other care, so as to help make it last) and accept the group leader as his leader. He's kinda like Dean in the sense he'll play he doesn't need to invite the group, but he's really only barely scraping by in terms of scavving and mental health due to loneliness.

Would this character be okay? If so, I'll set up a sheet. If not, let me know what is and is not appropriate in that proposal and I'll change it up.

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Judy Lynch
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Post » Mon Apr 28, 2014 1:25 pm

I'll put up a CS as soon as I can.

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Heather M
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Post » Mon Apr 28, 2014 2:41 pm

I think it would be fine; seems like an opportunity for a place for the group to stay for a while until they grow restless and move on.

Just know that it would be a temporary visit (maybe a few days-ish), as the RP revolves more around being on the road and trying to survive. Also, I don't know how long the group is staying in the original bunker -- that is up to the GM.

The character seems fine, though, as long as you aren't expecting his bunker to become a longtime base for the whole group. Feel free to do a CS when you like!

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Post » Mon Apr 28, 2014 4:51 am

It's possible. My character was envisioned to have been an office worker or some other mundane. He's more on the edge of safety than a gunslinger, so he'll raise issue. (IE not wanting to leave the a perfectly functioning shelter vs being on the road all the time. But he's desperate for companionship so he'd take all the goods he's got that he can carry. He's more a scout/survivor than a gun wielding gunslinger, so he sees shelter as superior to the road. But I'll post up something soon. Just wonder how to introduce him.

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