I suffer from globophobia, meaning I have a fear of balloons. Well, it's not so much that I fear them but I'm really scared that someone will pop one. I can handle gun shots and explosions just fine, but a balloon popping? NOPE.
I suffer from globophobia, meaning I have a fear of balloons. Well, it's not so much that I fear them but I'm really scared that someone will pop one. I can handle gun shots and explosions just fine, but a balloon popping? NOPE.
Dr. Haggar would like to offer his "conquer that crap" therapy at no charge to you...I prescribe that you buy a bag of balloons, blow them up then pop them with your bare hands. Feel free to use ear plugs at first and maybe something pointy to pop the balloons but slowly graduate to bare ears and bare hands to conquer that crap
I have conquered my fears long ago so I personally know it's possible.
Dude wtf balloons are awesome.
Might as well be afraid of bubble wrap too
Snails and slugs. It is absolutely terrifying to step outside in the evening when it's wet because I might encounter one. They give me a minor heart attack and I start screaming like a little girl. Go figure.
Possible explanation:
When I was a small child I once went to my uncle's place which is located in the middle of nowhere. At some point I decided to step out in his backyard, only to find myself surrounded by snails and slugs in all shapes and colours. It was horrible. I panicked and screamed for my uncle to come and save me. It ended up with him rushing out and carrying me away. In retrospect it sounds pretty pathetic, but I was just a kid.
But... but I love popping bubble wrap!
Seriously though, I love balloons and all but I can't stand the idea of someone popping them. Unless I do it, then it's okay.
That won't help though. I'm fine with doing it myself but when someone else does it...
I used to suffer this too as a kid but now I just don't care.
Some, you mean. Everybody has some sort of fear that cannot be conquer'd (though can be "maintained", in a way)... You can conquer some but never all of them.
My biggest fear is driving... Literally cannot drive without freaking out or passing out.