Enabling a quest without using Start Game Enabled

Post » Thu May 01, 2014 9:28 am

I have been trying to get a quest to enable in game with use of trigger volume. I can get the quest to work with start game enabled checked in the quest window but I would rather not have multiple quests sitting in memory for my quest mod. Could someone show me how to enable a quest in game or at least point me in the right direction? Here is the what I got so far

event onTriggerEnter (objectReference activateRef)

if activateRef == Game.GetPlayer() ;Ensures only player triggers the event
if pTriggered == 0 ; Prevents resetting the stage to MQ2 to 0
if (BTIMQ1ThalmorRaid.IsCompleted()) ; Checks to see if first quest is completed
BTIMQ2ThalmorUltimatum.Start() ; Activates Quest
BTIMQ2ThalmorUltimatum.SetStage(0) ; Sets the stage Thalmor Ultimatum Quest
pTriggered = 1 ; Sets triggered value so that the trigger won't reset quest
Debug.MessageBox("Trigger Hit!") ;Shows that the trigger is activated
Disable() ;Destroys the trigger so it can't activate again

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sexy zara
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Post » Thu May 01, 2014 1:21 pm

BTIMQ2ThalmorUltimatum.Start()  ; Activates QuestBTIMQ2ThalmorUltimatum.SetStage(0)  ; Sets the stage Thalmor Ultimatum Quest 
That's a little redundant, you can get rid of the SetStage command. What you could do instead is simply mark stage 0 as the "Start Up Stage", there's a box you can check for this in the Quest Stages tab. Also make sure that all of the aliases are filling properly, after you try to start it, if you type SQV YourQuestsFormID, any aliases that show up as NONE are failing to fill. :smile:
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