Armor Request...

Post » Sat May 03, 2014 7:50 am

I've been struggling and trying to get this stuff to work, with no luck, so I was hoping someone who knows what they're doing could help me out?

Would someone be able to take the Draugr Mesh, and make it work as a four-piece armor suit that works with Vanilla Races? The closest I've been able to get is a single-piece armor that only works on a modified race :/

What I'd ideally like is:

- One Piece Gauntlets for the Hands,

- One Piece Boots for the Feet,

- One Piece Helm for the Head

- One Piece Body for the rest

I'd really appreciate any help, because the more I'm trying to do, the more I'm breaking :/

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Emily Jones
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Post » Sat May 03, 2014 8:27 am

You can create this armour by yourself by adding the four pieces in the same armour form, like I did when I created children clothes. From the top off my head:

1) open the draugr cuirass, rename it into FullDraugrArmour (for example) and in the list select the other parts you want to add: hands, head and feet.

2) in the same form, look for the "model" section; it should indicate something like "draugarmourAA". In this section, right click and select "new". In the list that will open, choose the "draugrgauntletsAA" (not sure about the name, sorry), click ok. Do the same thing in order to add the other parts.

3) Save and add this new armour to an "outfit" form of your own.

I hope I've forgotten nothing. :wink:

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Jamie Lee
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Post » Fri May 02, 2014 6:56 pm

Hey, thank-you for trying to help LotM :)

Unless I'm misunderstanding/missing something in the CK, I don't think that does what I want? For example, ArmorDrugarCuriass is the "Ancient Nord Armor"; which is wearable already. I don't think I explained myself too well :( Sorry :/

What I actually want is the Draugr's base skin as a playable armor. If you go from their Race through the Skin Armor and down to the Armor AA, the Mesh that they use (Should be something like "MaleDragur.nif") isn't compatible with non-Dragur Races. If you wear it as a Nord, for example, you get major graphical issues because of the missing bones.

What I've been trying (and failing) to do is to make it work with the Vanilla Races, the same way a pair of iron gloves would, for example. The best I've managed to do is make a third-person playable version of that Mesh by altering the Skeleton and making a new Race, but it can't equip any armors (and even when it does, there's other issues because of how the Nif is set up :/ )

Thank-you again, though, for trying to help :)

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Yung Prince
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Post » Fri May 02, 2014 9:29 pm

The draugr base skin as an armour? Do you want the player to look like a draugr? I think that's what it should do.

Edit: did you try adding additional races to the "NakedDraugrBodyAA" form?

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Katie Pollard
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