Can you get New Vegas Patch if you don't have xbox live?

Post » Sat May 03, 2014 2:15 am

I know this is an old problem, but since I just now got Fallout: New Vegas, it's a new problem for me. Aside from many of the annoying bugs, I've got the worst one of not being able to access any saved files (except one) without getting a "This save game relies on downloadable content that is not available". Thus I can't load any game other than a single one. Once I do that, however, I cannot save any other games. I've tried to start a new game and then load a saved game (no luck 'cause I get the same message), I've tried to delete all saved games except the one that loads properly and start from there (no luck), I've turned off the autosave feature (no luck), I've quit the quest I was on and tried to save somewhere else (no luck). My xbox live feature isn't working so I can't download the patch that way. Is there a way to download it on a USB drive and upload it into system that way? Barring that, is there anyway to work around that saved game glitch?

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Spooky Angel
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Post » Fri May 02, 2014 11:29 pm

If you have the GOTY version of the game, (anyone that comes with all DLCs) then it is all patched up. However, if you have an Xbox Live Silver Account (free) then if you need any patches you can get them that way.

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Emily Graham
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