I had an experience today. I was attempting a circuit around Western Skyrim, hitting a variety of dungeons and such for a variety of sponsors (The Jarl of Falkreith, the Companions, Hircine, and Clavicus Vile, mostly). I tried it the fast way... and ended up crippled in the far Northwest, snowed in, sich with two different diseases, exhausted and unable to carry even my most necessary equipment... and otherwise screwed. I considered just trying to walk until I died... but figured that would be a waste of time. I had to load an earlier save.
For this save, I decided that rather than proceeding north to Rimerock Burrow, I'd detour to Markarth for some R&R. I did manage to get my diseases cured at the Altar of Talos... but got caught up in conspiracies, as a result. Didn't get anywhere near the rest I needed. I went into service of a third Prince of Oblivion, got myself thrown into the mine, got out, and figured that rather than unloading my latest bit of loot here in the city, I would just quietly slip out of town and take a cart to Solitude, from which I would contiue to Rimerock after resting up.
I had no idea just how much RN&D's fatigue model accumulates. I had to sleep in that inn for eighteen hours before I felt well rested, waking up late in the afternoon. I guess spending late nights investigating, getting thrown into a labor prison, breaking out, and immediately taking a long cart ride will do that to you.
I figure I'll investigate the Pelagius Wing before going back to bed, and then head out tomorrow morning to FINALLY go grab that axe.