So. It has occurred to me that I am getting no younger. It seems like just yesterday that I was losing it over the new Nintendo Power that announced Donkey Kong 64. So, as old people do, I started looking back on my years of gaming, and became sad with how many great games have been completely ignored by the modern gaming industry. We all have that game, that series, or that genre that hasn't had a new release in like, a decade or something. Unless you're less than a decade old. This is the place to reminisce. Come all, and let us be geezers together.
Shenmue - This had to be on there, of course. Yes, it had hilariously bad writing and voice acting. Yes, the graphics haven't held up as well as others. But what it did was give us one of the earliest believable NPC life systems (Only one that beat it was Ultima VII), an awesome blend of Adventure, RPG, and Fighting game (Why haven't more games had that, instead of awful, one-button GTA style hand-to-hand?), and a ridiculously realistic system for just "bumming" around. Also, I liked the forklift game. Sue me.
Jet Grind Radio - It occurs to me that many of these, for me, might end up being Dreamcast games. Man, I loved that system. But yeah, take an awesome soundtrack, skates, graffiti, and an awesome art-style that still looks good today, put it in a blender, and puree. Yeah, I got it because it looked similar to Tony Hawk's Pro Skater (My sister bought Alpha Centauri because it looked like Simcity to her. I was the smart one), and yeah, the skating mechanics were pretty limited, but that doesn't change the fact that as a goal-oriented platformer, it was awesome.
Treasure - Bangai-O. Gunstar Heroes. Mischief Makers. Radiant Silvergun. Sin & Punishment. Yes, they're still around, and yes, they're making terrific games, but I can't help but feel that they had a golden age, and that has long since past. While they have put out some good games recently, none of them reach the lofty heights of Fifth Gen Treasure, and likely never will, as we gamers seem to have turned our collective back on bullet-hells and platformers.